Thursday, December 2, 2010


I'm in North Carolina at the moment visiting my girlfriend. I'm hoping we can sneak out of a class requirement to go see Andrew Peterson's Behold the Lamb of God in Durham tonight! If you are not aware of Peterson's Christmas storytelling album please do yourself a favor and buy it immediately and listen to it a few thousand times this Christmas season.

Tis Advent time, which is really the Christian New Year season. I've been thinking alot this past half a year that so many of the things we in the Church take as metaphor, symbol, or illustration aren't metaphor, symbol, or illustration at all. Advent is certainly not a sweet symbolic idea about how we all get some vague new beginning. It is certainly not a moral metaphorical nicety about how everybody is just waiting for a new love, an inocuous hope.

No. No, it's a fact. It's a visit. It's a living, blood and bone, breath and sweat, life and death thing. And it's definitely not some self-willed discovery of internal human strength - it is the hope of a Saviour, a King, and a Kingdom from Heaven itself.

Jesus is not a metaphor, not a symbolic construct, not a sermon illustration.

And Behold He is coming.

1 comment:

  1. that's awesome! well put... thanks for sharing! hope you got to see andrew peterson. "behold the lamb" is an amazing concert/worship experience.
